
Die kri­ti­sche Sicher­heits­schwach­stel­le in der Java Biblio­thek log4j betrifft kei­ne der Pro­duk­te der Cryp­toP­ro® Pro­dukt­rei­he. Dies inkludiert:

  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Disk for Bit­Lo­cker — alle Versionen
  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Disk Enter­pri­se — alle Versionen
  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Device — alle Versionen

Der Ein­satz der Cryp­toP­ro® Pro­duk­te erfor­dert kei­ner­lei Maß­nah­men, um der log4j Schwach­stel­le entgegenzuwirken.


The cri­ti­cal secu­ri­ty vul­nerabi­li­ty in the Java libra­ry log4j does not affect any  pro­ducts in the Cryp­toP­ro® pro­duct line. This includes:

  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Disk for Bit­Lo­cker — all versions
  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Disk Enter­pri­se — all versions
  • Cryp­toP­ro® Secu­re Device — all versions

The use of the Cryp­toP­ro® pro­ducts does not requi­re any mea­su­res to coun­ter­act the log4j vulnerability.